Open Call for our next Preview event

Open Call – Preview 6 – Visual Art Presentations

Opse Project is looking for visual artists to participate in our sixth presentation of Visual Art Preview. The event will happen on Thursday 20th of June 2024 at 19:30 in Berlin.

In this event each selected artist will present in front of an audience an upcoming series of works. The event has a specifice structure, in brief each artist will have around 15 mins with the use of a projector to do a quick presentation. Afterwards comes the “Questions and Answers” part.

For more info and how to apply send us a message.

Open Call for Upcoming Visual Art Presentation Preview 5 and View group show

Our new art presentation is about to happen on September 16th 2023. We have a new open call for visual artists who want to participate.

The event will take space at a very big venue and it will be during the same time the Berlin Art Week is happening.

More info about the open call as well as how to apply here:

View | Group Show | Open Call

At the same time we are doing our first group show called View. It will take place at 15th of September, one day before.
More info about the open call here:

Open Call for our next Visual Art Preview

We are now accepting applications for our upcoming art presentation “Visual Art Preview n.4”. This is the fourth such presentation organized by the visual artist Miltos Despoudis and curator Veronika Hykova.

Deadline for the applicants is 7.July.2022.

The event will take place at 22.July.2022 at 19:30-21:30 in Berlin.

If you want to learn more about the open call follow this link:

You can check the previous Visual art previews at our dedicated subpage here:

New Open Call about Visual Art Preview

We have listed our first open call about an upcoming project, Visual Art Preview. These will be recurring presentations of artists.

We are planning to start these events from the next month. Also we expect to create another type of presentation tha involve Filmmaking.

Find out more about the Visual Art Preview open call here:
-Open Call Link